Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I generally came to KJO because as far as I remember I have always wanted to be an English teacher. And to some extent this does not change but I also think about different jobs. Of course connected with English.
Hmm, my teaching practice - I conducted my first lesson with Junior High School students, it was in September. I was, of course, extremely scared because I did not know them well and my task was to introduce Present Perfect to them. I wanted to have a lesson connected mostly with reading and speaking, not with a quite difficult grammar point but I had no choice. What is important, students were very friendly, they did not laugh at a new frightened teacher. :)But after that lesson the stress disappeared and I were not nervous with remaining lessons. Now I am confident in my role as a teacher and it is a real pleasure for me (but on the condition that you have a nice class to teach):) A friendly class with positive attitude is extremely important because I taught a class (Junior High School) which consisted of 14 boys and 4 girls and it was impossible to do any kind of speaking with them. They did not cause any discipline problems, they just sat quietly and looked at me. When I asked them to describe a picture in pairs they were silent and stared at me without doing the task. After the lesson the teacher told me that I should not worry because this class always behaves like that. She resigned from pair or group speaking because they said nothing during it. Later, I did not want to have more lessons with them because they were so 'cold' and they discouraged me for a while from being a teacher.

1 comment:

hannah.bundle said...

Hmm, that's odd that the teacher adjusted to the ignoring attitude of these students... but ur decision was right, it was useless to check ur abilities in teaching with such uncooperative students :)